Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

History of TOEFL

History of TOEFL

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is the standardized test by which the English-language skills of non-native speakers are evaluated. The test is required by most colleges and some employers to make sure students and employees are capable of handling the linguistic challenges of cultural immersion. The test is designed by the Center for Applied Linguistics and administered by the Educational Testing Service.
1. Based in Washington, D.C., the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a nonprofit organization committed to researching the relationship between language and culture. Founded in 1959, its first director was Charles A. Ferguson (1921-1998), who had administered similar programs in the Middle East and taught as a professor at Harvard University. Ferguson guided the center to develop practical solutions for the applied language and literacy concerns of international and national governments.
2. One of Ferguson's earliest projects was to develop a test that would quantify the command of the language that ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) students and government employees had. Ferguson and fellow applied linguistics researchers developed the TOEFL test for the first five years of the CAL. In 1964, the first official TOEFL test was taken at the center.
3. Since the late 1960s, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an international standardized-testing organization. According to ETS, between 1964 and 2008, 24 million people, largely international students, have taken the test. Introduced in 2005, the Internet-based test has replaced the computer-based and paper-based formats, with the computer-based results ruled no longer valid as of 2006.
4. Since the early 1970s, the 15-member TOEFL board has dealt with specific problems regarding the organization. This board is comprised of educators and government and industry representatives who are involved in international education. A board of 12 language specialists form the TOEFL Committee of Examiners, which addresses any concerns with the test's content and methodology, keeping the test valid.
Composition of Test
5. Since 1998, the paper test has been made up of 30 listening-based questions, 40 "written-expression" questions, 50 reading-comprehension questions, and a 300-word essay. The Internet-based test includes four sections: answering questions on a 700-word passage and questions on 30 minutes of an audio sample, as well as six speaking and written-composition tasks. The Internet-based test has also implemented tables and other formats into the test.

When applying to schools and for jobs, international students and businesspeople must often take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to prove their proficiency. The test has been around for nearly half a century, taking several different forms before arriving at the version test-takers see today. Knowing the history of TOEFL can help students understand the nature of the test, how it is scored, and how their score compares to those of past test-takers.
1. Paper-Based Test
o From 1964 until 1998, test-takers took the TOEFL paper-based test, which was given like a traditional exam. This test was originally based on discrete-point testing, which tests one particular area of language knowledge per question and extrapolates a score that gives an overall view of the student's level. The paper-based test was scored from 310 to 677. However, as linguistic models changed, the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which administers the TOEFL, decided to change the test format as well.
Computer-Based Test
o Started in 1998, the computer-based TOEFL test kept some discrete-point questions, but also tested vocabulary and other skills directly. The computer-based test worked on an adaptive model: the questions a student saw depended on his answers to the first question in a given section. If he got the first few questions wrong, he would receive easier questions and thus a lower score. The computer-based test was scored on a scale of 0 to 300 points.
Internet-Based Test
o In 2005, ETS began to phase out the computer-based test in favor of the current Internet-based test. This test contains no discrete-point questions and is not adaptive: all students see the same questions, regardless of whether or not they answer the first questions correctly. The TOEFL Internet-based test appeared first in the United States, Canada, France, Germany and Italy in 2005, before gradually spreading to other parts of the world in 2006. It is scored on a scale of 0 to 120.
o Today, the TOEFL is broken down into four sections, designed to measure the test-taker's skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each section is scored on a scale of 0 to 30, for a maximum total of 120 points. The paper-based test is still available in some parts of the world; however, the Internet-based test is much more common and more widely accepted.
The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL (pronounced /ˈtoʊfəl/ TOH-fəl), evaluates the ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting. It sometimes is an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking colleges and universities. Additionally, institutions such as government agencies, licensing bodies, businesses, or scholarship programs may require this test. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then will no longer be officially reported[1] since a candidate's language proficiency could have significantly changed since the date of the test.[citation needed] Colleges and universities usually consider only the most recent TOEFL score.
The TOEFL test is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is administered worldwide. The test was first administered in 1964 and has since been taken by more than 23 million students. The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics under the direction of Stanford University applied linguistics professor Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.[2]
Policies governing the TOEFL program are formulated with advice from a 16-member board. Board members are affiliated with undergraduate and graduate schools, 2-year institutions and public or private agencies with an interest in international education. Other members are specialists in the field of English as a foreign or second language.
The TOEFL Committee of Examiners is composed of 12 specialists in linguistics, language testing, teaching or research. Its main responsibility is to advise on TOEFL test content. The committee helps ensure the test is a valid measure of English language proficiency reflecting current trends and methodologies.

TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language. The TOEFL was introduced in the 1960ies by ETS — Educational Testing Services. Now, almost 800,000 people take the TOEFL exam every year worldwide.

You probably know that a growing number of universities and colleges offer courses and academic study programs in English so if you want to enrol in one of them you must have a good command of the English language. This is where the TOEFLcomes into play. It is the most widely used academic English proficiency test in the world. Thousands of colleges and universities use the TOEFL to test and evaluate the English language competency of their students and academic personnel.

In addition, many government agencies, sponsoring institutions and other authorities require TOEFL scores.

The TOEFL test measures English language proficiency in these three disciplines: reading, listening and writing. In most regions of the world you can take the TOEFL on a computer (CBT: Computer-Based Test) somewhere near your home. In areas with limited access to computer-based testing facilities you can take a paper-and-pencil version of the test.
TOEFL merupakan tes standar dimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris-bahasa non-penutur asli dievaluasi. Pengujian diperlukan oleh sebagian besar perguruan tinggi dan beberapa pengusaha untuk membuat siswa yakin dan karyawan mampu menangani tantangan linguistik perendaman budaya.Toefl sendiri didirikan dengan maksud untuk mengembangkan solusi praktis untuk bahasa diterapkan dan keprihatinan keaksaraan pemerintah internasional dan nasional.
TOEFL saat ini sudah menjadi umum untuk dilakukan karena dengan toefl orang-orang dapat mengetahui seberapa besar mereka mengetahui bahasa inggris, karena pada saat ini bahasa inggris meupakan bahasa international. Dan juga bahasa inggris saat ini menjadi salah satu syarat untuk melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan. › Toefl › Education › Social Science Education › History

Example of Curiculum Vitae.

 Example of Curiculum Vitae.. :)


Name               : Rina Uyun Solikhah
Address           : V Raden Saleh Palangka Raya
Phone               : 085234xxxxxx
Email                :
Birth Date         : 19 Nov, 1993
Nationality        : Indonesian
Gender             : Female

A qualified English Teacher who is able to effectively communicate with students from different backgrounds or varying degrees of ability. A dedicated professional with a proven ability to teach, motivate students to maximum performance by encouraging a positive and energetic environment. Fully familiar with the english national curriculum and experience of applying technology in the classroom to make the most of the learning experience. Presently looking for a english teaching position with a progressive school.

August 2017 – 2020

August 2020 – present
An English Teacher
MAN Pangkalan Bun A. Yani km 1,5
And English Course in Pangkaan Bun

·        STATE ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF PALANGKA RAYA : English Education 2012-2016
·        ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : 2006- 2009
·        ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 02 BARU 2001- 2006

·        Able to use computer- assisted educational resources. Certified for computer- assisted Language Learning
·        Researching new topic areas and maintaining up to date subject knowledge. Certified for research on Educational Nation Curriculum.
The Best English Teacher In Pangkalan Bun Governor Awards 2018

·      Good attitude

I hope this is useful for you... :) see you later guy's...


Ok, friend's back again with me I hope all of you fine oke :) , in here I would like to explain about NARRATIVE TEXT. directly..

A narrative is a meaningful sequence of events told in words. It is sequential in that the events are ordered, not merely random. Sequence always involves an arrangement in time (and usually other arrangements as well). A straightforward movement from the first event to the last constitutes the simplest chronology. However, chronology is sometimes complicated by presenting the events in another order: for example, a story may open with the final episode and then flash back to all that preceded it.
A narrative has meaning in that it conveys an evaluation of some kind. The writer reacts to the story he or she tells, and states or implies that reaction. This is the "meaning," sometimes called the "theme," of a story. Meaning must always be rendered. The writer has to do more than tell us the truth he sees in the story; he must manifest that truth in the characters and the action.
Characters and action are the essential elements of any story. Also important, but not as essential, is the setting, the place where the action occurs. Characters are usually people—sometimes actual people, as in history books or newspaper stories, sometimes imaginary ones, as in novels. Occasionally characters are animals (as in an Aesop fable), and sometimes a dominant feature of the environment functions almost like a character (the sea, an old house).

The action is what the characters say and do and anything that happens to them, even if it arises from a nonhuman source—a storm, for instance, or a fire. Action is often presented in the form of a plot. Action is, so to speak, the raw material; plot, the finished product, the fitting together of the bits and pieces of action into a coherent pattern. Usually, though not invariably, plot takes the form of a cause-and effect chain: event A produces event B; B leads to C; C to D; and so on until the final episode, X. In a well-constructed plot of this kind we can work back from X to A and see the connections that made the end of the story likely and perhaps inevitable.
Stories can be very long and complicated, with many characters, elaborate plots, and subtle interpenetration of character, action, and setting. In writing that is primarily expository, however, narratives are shorter and simpler. Most often they are factual rather than imaginary, as when an historian describes an event. And often in exposition an illustration may involve a simple narrative. Being able to tell a story, then, while not the primary concern of the expository writer, is a skill which he or she will now and again be called upon to use.

Sosial Function
To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways; Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text
Now, it's time for you to know the Generic Structure of the Narrative Text.
  1. Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants (characters) of the story, the time and place the story happened (Who, what, when and where) 
  2. Complication : a crisis arises. A series of events in which the main character Attempts to solve the problem. 
  3. Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or worse
  4. Re-orientation: it is optional. The ending of story. It sometimes contains the solution

Example of Narrative  Text 2:

The Legend of Rawa Pening
    Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.
    Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The “lesung” was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.
    Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

Example Of Narrative Text 2:
Ali Baba
            Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying ”Open Sesame” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich.
            Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house.
            After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.
            After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid who became his wife shortly after.

Ok. That's all the about narrative text. Hopefully you have understood those things. See you. :)